Frequently asked questions

We are committed to providing accessible inclusive design advice to people who need it. This section aims to help with our most common queries.

If your question is not found here, please feel free to contact us.

Q:Can you provide access audits, design appraisals and access statements?
A: Yes, CAE provides all access consultancy services at reasonable rates. Please contact us or see our consultancy pages for further information.
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Q: I am looking for some dimensions / design guidance. Where can I find the national standards for accessibility?
A: General dimensions, layouts and measurements can be found in building regulations, such as the Approved Document to Part M (now in two parts), (in Scotland and Northern Ireland, the Technical Handbooks contain information on accessibility.)
British Standard BS 8300: Design of buildings and their. approaches to meet the needs of disabled people. Code of Practice provides detailed guidance and ergonomic standards. Available to purchase from the British Standards Institute.
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Q: Where can I find out more about disability rights and the Equality Act?
A: The Equality and Human Rights Commission provide a range of free online guidance and documents
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Q: Where can I find access equipment suppliers?
A: The Disabled Living Foundation offers a range of advice on services such as access equipment. Enabled by Design is a community/peer-led website reviewing and rating new and useful products that are easy to use.
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Q: Where can I find a casework service or legal support for a claim?
A: CAE does not provide a casework service or offer specific legal support. Contact the Disability Law Service if you require this type of service.
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Q: How do I make a complaint under the Equality Act 2010?
A: There are discrimination questionnaire forms and guidance available from the UK Government’s website: Information on making a complaint under the Equality Act 2010.
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Q: I need some help with house adaptations / looking for accessible housing guidance
A: Habinteg provides design guidance on the technical standards relating to the design of accessible and wheelchair accessible homes. Habinteg publishes the Wheelchair Housing Design Guide (the third edition will be published in 2018), as well as research into unmet housing need and the allocation of accessible homes. This information can all be found on Habinteg’s website under the Policy and Research and Publications sections. We are also able to provide design appraisals against the Lifetime Homes standard, Wheelchair Housing Design Guide, and Category 2 and 3 of Part M of the Building Regulations. Please contact us for further details. Habinteg administrates the Lifetime Homes website and is the author of the Lifetime Homes Design Guide. Any queries relating to the standard should be sent by email to  

A local home improvement agency can also offer advice.

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Q:What is an access audit?    An access audit is an assessment of how well a building or environment is accessible for use by a wide range of potential users, including disabled people with mobility, cognitive and sensory impairments. Our access audits provide recommendations benchmarked to legislative drivers and standards such as building standards, best practice and compliance with Equality Act 2010.  then assess what is reasonable for you to do, as is required by the Equality Act 2010   Back to top

Q: How do I become an access auditor ? There isn’t a badge or qualification for undertaking audits – skill and expertise for access professionals is based on experience, knowledge of legislation and standards, and practical knowledge. The recognised and encouraged accreditation for access auditors and access consultants in the UK is the National Register of Access Consultants (NRAC), which has a robust two-stage application process for gaining membership. CAE’s popular Access Auditing and the Equality Act course is recognised by many as being the best way to begin a career in this field or to add essentials skills to an already existing career. Back to top

Q:I am looking for an access audit checklist template. Are you able to assist Please email and we will be in touch. Back to top

Q I am an RCOT member how do I get my discount for the Wheelchair Housing Guide? To order a copy with the RCOT member discount please could you confirm your invoice and delivery address to and we will generate an invoice for you, as the discount can’t be applied via our online shop.Back to top

Q: My question isn’t listed here, how do I get help?

A: If you have a question or query and cannot find the answer on our website, please feel free to contact us by email or post.
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