CAE is part of Habinteg Housing Association with a shared mission is to drive greater accessibility and inclusion of buildings and environments for everyone to be part of an inclusive society. For over 50 years, CAE has lead thinking on inclusive design in the UK and pioneered the idea of technical accessibility guidance based on research conducted collaboratively with disabled people and we are one of the leading providers of access consultancy and training in the country.
What we do
- Access consultancy, including bespoke inclusive design standards, design appraisals, access statements and inclusive guidance
- Access Audits
- Training on disability awareness, inclusive design and technical standards for public and in-house delivery
- Pathways Academy supporting the next generation of access talent through training and support
- Access and Sustainability Service ( ASAS) for London’s voluntary and community sectors seeking to improve the access
- Access Publications and guidance, including CAE publications and design guides
- Research on inclusive design and consultation with disabled people
- Find out more in our consultancy, training, research and resources pages.