The Access and Sustainability Advisory Service (ASAS) is a free service for voluntary and community groups in London.

Funded by City Bridge Foundation, ASAS provides advice on making your premises more accessible to everyone, including disabled and older people. The short film, below, describes the service.

Inclusive Services & Better Access Grants Programme

From theatres to places of worship, museums, community centres, heritage buildings and sports facilities, the Access and Sustainability Advisory Service (ASAS) provides free guidance to charities looking to improve access to their buildings.

For London-based charities, the service also supports applications to City Bridge Foundation’s Inclusive Services & Better Access grant which can provide up to £5,000 for access consultancy, including disability awareness training, and £150,000 funding towards access improvements. London charities can also apply for a free eco-audit (opens new window) of their buildings.

The Access Advisor for ASAS offers free support throughout the entire grant application process, from where to go for a directory of access consultants, reviewing application forms to assisting the interpretation of access audits to enable prioritising costs and building works.

For details on the City Bridge Foundation’s grant programmes, visit the City Bridge Foundation website (opens new window)

To contact the Access and Sustainability Advisory Service:
Email the Access Advisor at
Telephone +44 (0)754 6690 040.

Opening Doors Across London

Download and read Opening Doors Across London publication
The City Bridge Foundation commissioned Barry Knight at CENTRIS to produce a free publication, Opening Doors Across London (a PDF download), evaluating the impact of the Access to Buildings programme.

Included are case studies of previous grant applicants to illustrate the issues faced by voluntary and community groups undertaking building projects.

For further information on eligibility and the Bridging Divides grant scheme visit the City Bridge Foundation website.

Sustainable Buildings – Eco-audits

The City Bridge Foundation also provides fully-funded eco-audits to Greater London charity organisations in order to enable practical changes that minimise environmental damage, reduce costs, embed and share good environmental practice with the wider sector.

Learn more about how to get a free Eco-audit (opens new window).