Accessibility, Asas case studies
CAE's design appraisal & access audit helps RCOT turn its office into a profitable inclusive asset for everyone.
Accessibility, Training case studies
Tate mission is “to increase the public’s enjoyment and understanding of British art from the 16th century to the present day and of international modern and contemporary art”. Tate provides, exhibitions, events and workshops for adults and kids and have galleries in London, Liverpool and St Ives in Cornwall. CAE delivered a bespoke two day […]
Accessibility, Training case studies
Visits4U Accessible Tourism CAE led on ‘Visits4u’, an 18-month project on inclusive tourism, co-funded by the COSME Programme of the European Union. The pillar of ‘visits4u’ was to build capacity of the tourism sector across the partners’ regions in six European countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Spain and the UK. This was achieved through training […]
Accessibility, Training case studies
“CAE delivered some training for Homes England recently – I highly recommend it,” said Susan Mackie, North West Affordable Housing Team- Contract Manager at Homes England. Homes England is the Government’s housing accelerator. The organisation does this by increasing the number of new homes that are built in England, including affordable homes and homes for […]
Accessibility, Asas case studies
The Charterhouse is a former Carthusian monastery in London which provides housing and care to support elderly people in need, it also shares its story and heritage within a free museum, and hosts tours of some of the buildings and grounds. In January 2017 The Charterhouse opened a free museum and its chapel to members […]
CAE worked as an access consultant for the University of Cambridge on this large-scale development in the North West of the city.
The National Gallery is an historic art gallery in Trafalgar Square in London, with millions of visitors per year. The gallery opened at its current location in 1831, and houses a collection of over 2,300 paintings dating from the mid-13th century to 1900. In 2017 the National Gallery approached the Centre for Accessible Environments to […]
The interior of the restored Painted Hall Often referred to as the UK’s Sistine Chapel, this much-admired Greenwich tourist destination required restoration as far back as 2008. One of the key objectives of the restoration project was to improve the hall’s accessibility features. Having supported the successful National Lottery Heritage Fund application for the conservation […]
Accessibility, Training case studies
CAE delivered CPD sessions on Inclusive Design Principles for Royal Institute for British Architects RIBA in 2017 CAE delivered a series of successful seminars across England for RIBA on topic 7 inclusive design principles, raising awareness of a range of disabilities and medical conditions, which impact on everyday interaction with the built environment. The focus […]
As part of the major redevelopment of this iconic London museum to mark the centenary of the First World War, CAE was commissioned to provide access consultancy. The consultation aimed to: Eliminate potential barriers to access where possible within the project scope. Learn from potential visitors how the project can be made more accessible and […]
In 2013, the initial planning application to regenerate this Grade II listed former brewery needed greater consideration of access issues. The design team wanted to demonstrate that inclusive design was not simply a bolt-on solution but was woven into the project to fit with the overall ethos of the scheme. As a result, CAE was […]
In 2012, CAE was commissioned by City of York Council to carry out an accessibility and mobility audit of the historic city centre. The council has committed to making York accessible to all whilst preserving its unique heritage features. Our audit outlined accessibility issues based on current inclusive design and best practice standards. Clear recommendations for […]
CAE was commissioned by Wilkinson Eyre Architects to be the universal design consultants for the Mary Rose Museum development, which opened in 2013. The museum reunites the Mary Rose – Henry VIII’s flagship raised from the Solent near Portsmouth in 1982 – with its contents and crew and has become the centrepiece of Portsmouth Historic Dock. With […]