(15) Glazing and window handle heights

Principle: Enable people to have a reasonable line of sight from a seated position in the living room and to use at least one window for ventilation in each room.


Criterion (15) Glazing and window handle heights

Windows in the principal living space (typically the living room), should allow people to see out when seated. In addition, at least one opening light in each habitable room should be approachable and usable by a wide range of people – including those with restricted movement and reach (see Note 1).


Required specification to achieve Criterion 15

To allow a reasonable view from the principal living space, the principal window in this living space, or glazed doors (where these are in lieu of the principle window) should include glazing that starts no higher than 800mm above floor level.

In addition, any full width transom or cill within the field of vision (normally extending up to 1700mm above floor level) should be at least 400mm in height away from any other transom or balcony balustrade. All dimensional requirements within this paragraph are nominal (+/- 50mm acceptable).

There should be potential for an approach route 750mm wide to enable a wheelchair user to approach a window in each habitable room (see Note 1). In addition, this window should have handles/controls to an opening light no higher than 1200mm from the floor.

*Note 1: In kitchens areas or bathrooms with only one window situated behind kitchen units or bathroom fittings, the requirement for a potential clear approach space to that window need not apply.

However, the window handle height/control requirement remains applicable. Any other window within the kitchen area or bathroom, not behind fittings, is required to satisfy both the approach and window handle/control height requirements

Contact us

020 78228232
Centre for Accessible Environments
240 City Rd